Turkey A Thon and a chance to win the very prestigious Taters and Gravy award

That’s right! Only 8 days to go.

You can tell because everyone is getting excited.
The stores are decorated for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas, all at the same time. Some may call it confusing. I call it being overly excited about the Turkey A Thon!!
The students throughout Washington County are raising funds at their schools for the Turkey A Thon and for a chance to win the very prestigious Taters and Gravy award, presented to the school that raises the most money!
 Our partner, Healthy Acadia and their team of volunteers, are excited to be able to bring their tutus, turkey hats and costumes and even veggie costumes out of moth balls and to be able to wear them all day long. They will be styling, as always.
Dunkin in Calais and Machias and VL Tammaro Oil in Woodland and in Calais, are excited to be back as our sponsors again this year!
I am excited to see everyone and of course, to help everyone to guarantee every family in Washington County has a healthy meal on their holiday table!
All of our volunteers in Eastport and Baileyville, Machias and Lubec, Calais, Columbia,and Milbridge are excited to accept your donations. They know that all the money taken in is spent at local grocery stores for gift cards that are given to Washington County food pantries to help local families.
Of course, Bill, Amanda, Lupe, Tom and Jeremy are happy because they get to help their listeners on WQDY, WALZ and WCRQ have a great holiday! They also get to see me, which makes them all giggle with delight!
  Our goal is $40,000! We can do it with your help.
 I don’t ask for much in my life. Just world peace, A better offseason for the Red Sox, a reasonable explanation as to why people want to be called Swifties, the name of the person who invented Sudoku so I can gut punch them, have the minimum IQ for running for Congress set at 85, which would eliminate 45% of our current Federal office holders, 😁 and of course, a better singing voice to match my cute face.
I will be in touch next week with more words of wisdom. Don’t forget, if you can’t make it to one of our 7 locations on October 6th, you can always Venmo or Paypal me!
Thanks in advance and I look forward to seeing or hearing from each and every one of you on October 6th.
Peace out